Athletes and light show. Smetana and Novotný will lead the entertainment in the Czech House

Czech House
Czech House
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3 minutes of reading

Meetings with athletes, TV broadcasts with accompanying programme, interesting sports guests. In addition, there will be a sports-themed light dance show by the Pyroterra group and great music by DJ Forrest Pine. All this and much more will be on offer in just one month's time at the Czech House in Paris, which aims to stand out among the world's competing national houses thanks to its diversity and boldness. Emma Smetana and Zdeněk Novotný will guide visitors from all over the world through the programme. Tickets for the best fan experience in Paris are on sale now and have a discounted price until the end of June.

Emma Smetana is a presenter, actress and singer who has lived in France for many years, holds dual citizenship and is fluent in four languages. "It's a great honour. Paris is my second home, so to connect it with the Czech Republic, and on top of that during the biggest sports holiday, is a challenge of a lifetime," said Emma Smetana. She will moderate in Czech, English, French and can also communicate with foreign guests in German, Hebrew, Italian and Spanish. "It is extremely important for us that the programme is understood by both the czech audience and fans from all over the world. The Czech House is open to everyone and it is therefore crucial that everyone has a unique experience of visiting it, regardless of language," said Blanka Konečná, project manager of the Czech House.

The second moderator is Zdeněk Novotný, who is known to sports fans especially from Czech and international matches in football, hockey, basketball or floorball and specializes in creating the best fan experience. "It is a great honour for me and I will do my best to bring the perfect fan atmosphere from the biggest stadiums in the Czech Republic to the Czech House in Paris," said Zdeněk Novotný.

ČESKÝ DŮM V PAŘÍŽI! 🔥 Místo, kam musíš! 😝

In the Czech House, fans can look forward to live broadcasts of sports with Czech participation as well as the biggest milestones of the Olympic Games, such as the 100 metres race or the basketball, volleyball and football finals. "The programme in the Czech House will enhance the TV experience. In addition to sharing emotions with other fans and creating a unique sense of togetherness from cheering together, each Czech final entry will have a tailor-made dance, music and light show before and after the performance," described Tomas Houska, Head of Digital Media at the COC, of the House programme. "The presenters will have a variety of interesting guests on stage before the races with Czech participation and we will be connecting the telecast with popular venues in Paris or with fans at the Olympic Festival in Most," added Houska.

A multimedia light show will get the party started

Throughout the Olympic Games, artists from the Pyroterra group, one of the world's top performing arts groups with successful projects in more than 40 countries, will perform at the Czech House. "It is a great honour for us to prepare a diverse show for the Czech House, in which we will present, for example, the spirit of sport or Czech pride," says creative director and director of Pyroterra Marek Solnička. In addition to modern shows, visitors can also look forward to a light installation and an interactive connection between dancers in light suits and audiovisual equipment. "The Czech Republic has historically had many successes connected with Paris, for example František Křižík won a gold medal here for perfecting the arc lamp, and it can be said that we, as purely Czech developers of light technology, are continuing his legacy. We have developed brand new, digital costumes and lighting props for the Czech House. You have a lot to look forward to," adds Solnička.

The music will be provided by DJ Forrest Pine, who has won several competitions and knows how to get audiences in the Czech Republic and abroad moving. His main genres are bass, hip hop and RnB. Fans can meet him at the biggest Czech music festivals.

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